The Irish Beast, Joe Smith Jr on Eleider Storm Alvarez

July 29, 2020 Blog, boxe, Chroniques

Interview with Joe Smith Jr

Jesse Hart having troubles against The Irish Beast, Joe Smith Jr

By Jeff Jeffrey – Boxing Colomnist, TVA Sports

August 22 is coming for the most anticipated fight of the year between The Storm, Eleider Alvarez and Joe Smith Jr, better known as the Irish Beast for his fighting style. Wherever you will be on that special evening, you do not want to miss this showdown in the Bubble of the MGM Grand of Las Vegas, Nevada.

Smith generously agreed to speak with me about the upcoming fight with Alvarez and how he dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic in the state of New York where he lives.

Jeff Jeffrey: The United States got hit pretty hard by the coronavirus, especially your state during this horrific event. How did you and your familly continue to go throught it?

Joe Smith Jr: We immediatly went in self-quarantine as we took the situation very seriously. Everyone is safe, thank god. I stayed in a safe distance when I knew I would be around people. I had to focus on my training because I realized before the COVID-19 that I had to face a tough challenge in Eleider Alvarez.

JJ: This fight is finally going to happen in August. Initially, the brawl was supposed to be in Montreal for June, then July 16. How excited are you and what did you think about some rumors suggesting Alvarez shoulder wasn’t really hurt?

JS: I think he needed more time to train and wasn’t ready. It didn’t change anything for me. I was well prepared and ready to go, as I am today. I’ll be even more agressive the night of the fight, so I don’t mind.

JJ: Were you able to do sparring to prepare for Eleider?

JS: I did. I had great sparring partners like Wendy ”The Haitian Fire”Toussaint (11-0-0, 5 ko’s). He’s smaller than me, but much more faster and I needed partners with a good right hand similar to Alvarez. Toussaint is an up-and-comer who will fight on the undercard in Vegas with us.

JJ: Alvarez wants to be heavier for that fight to wrestle with you on the inside. Plus, he does have a very good counter right cross like you said, we could ask Sergey Kovalev about it. How do you plan to fight him?

JS: Caution will be very important with a fighter like Eleider. I need to be aware of that right hand. Being in great shape will help to outwork him, overpower him. I will control him with my superior reach and adapt to anything he’s gonna bring for the fight.

JJ: Alvarez turned 36 years old in April and knows that’s probably one of his last chance at a major title. In addition to that, he’s also the oldest pugilist in the tournement for the vacant WBO light heavyweight championship performing, Umar Salomov and Maxim Vlasov. Do you underestimate him in any way?

JS: Not at all. Eleider is a former world champion and he’s got power. I never underestimated anyone in my career and will never do so. On the other hand, many rivals went on to do that mistake against me. I will do anything to win the WBO belt.

JJ: You were the underdog against Bernard Hopkins, Andrzej Fonfara and Jesse Hart. Yet, you won those fights. You will play the same role again in your brawl with Eleider Alvarez. How do you feel about it?

JS: I like being the underdog. It’s a good source of motivation for me. It makes me stronger in the ring.

JJ: You are going to fight in the Bubble in the MGM Grand of Las Vegas. Serious protocols are in place due to COVID-19 by Top Rank and the Nevada Athletic Commission. How comfortable are you about this situation?

JS: Well, some fighters feed off the crowd’s energy. But when I’m training, it’s always me, my coach and my sparring partners. I’m fine with it, because that’s how I train every day. We didn’t received the protocols yet, but I’m prepared to resume my training in Vegas under quarantine rules.

JJ: Thank you for your time and good luck for the fight.

JS: My pleasure. I can’t wait.

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